Huawei Intelligent Cloud Network Creates a Connectivity Base in the Computing Power Era, Empowering Thousands of Industries 

In July, the 2022 China Hashpower Conference (hereinafter referred to as the “Hashrate Conference”) was held in Jinan, Shandong Province. The Hashrate Conference is the first national conference in the field of computing power in my country, hosted by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Shandong Provincial People’s Government. .

During the conference, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., together with the Intelligent Lossless Data Center Network Alliance, held a special sub-forum “Intelligent Cloud Network, Building a High-quality Computing Network Base” in the Renhe Hall of Shandong Building. At the sub-forum, Huawei joined hands with customers and partners to present the latest solutions and application practices in various fields.

Wang Zhiqin, Vice President of the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, Zhang Huan, Director of the Information and Communication Development Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, He Baohong, Director of the Cloud Computing and Big Data Research Institute, China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, Sun Liang, Vice President of Huawei Data Communication Product Line, Huawei Data Zhang Lei, Director of Center Network Solutions, Zhang Jiandong, Director of the Carrier Solutions Department of Huawei’s Data Communication Product Line, Hou Biao, Executive Dean of the School of Artificial Intelligence, Xidian University, Gao Xinping, Researcher of Zijinshan Laboratory, and Senior of ICBC Data Center Basic Technology Laboratory Manager Wu Zhongyang, China Mobile Research Institute Basic Network Technology Research Institute Data Center Network Technology Manager Wang Ruixue and China Mobile Group Shanxi Co., Ltd. Project Manager Ma Chenhui attended the event.

Excellent speeches by guests and customers

In the era of the digital economy, data centers are the key infrastructure for digitalization and are also in a stage of rapid development, so network plus computing has become a dual engine that promotes the scale expansion of the computing power industry, and it also has an unprecedentedly important strategic position.

Wang Zhiqin, vice president of the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, said in his speech: “Under the wave of computing and network integration, the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology will continue to strengthen research in the fields of computing power and network, strengthen the functions of government support and social services, rely on With its own advantages, in terms of industry, standards, and evaluation, strengthen exchanges with the industry, promote the implementation of new technologies, and promote the development of my country’s computing power industry to a higher level.”

With the full opening of the digital economy era, computing power, as an important support base, has an increasingly prominent role in empowerment. Currently, computing power is being widely integrated into all aspects of social and economic life as a new type of productivity.

Zhang Huan, director of the Information and Communication Development Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, put forward in his speech: “Accelerate the construction of computing power infrastructure, guide the optimal supply of computing power resources, strengthen the support capabilities of computing networks, and promote high-quality development of computing network integration.”

71670ebe-1187-11ed-ba43-dac502259ad0.jpg Zhang Huan, Director of the Information and Communication Development Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

Computing power has become the cornerstone of the digital-intelligence transformation of the whole society, which will directly affect the development speed of the digital economy. As the main artery connecting users, data, and computing power, the network will continue to integrate with computing power, eventually leading to the integration of computing and network.

Sun Liang, Vice President of Huawei’s Data Communication Product Line, said in his keynote speech: “Huawei’s intelligent cloud network solution is based on IPv6+ as the technical base, and focuses on the lossless transfer of computing power, ubiquitous connection of computing power, intelligent scheduling of computing power, and application-awareness of computing power. The computing power is safe, and we will continue to innovate to deliver surging computing power to more customers.”

Huawei’s intelligent cloud network enhances the core technology of independent innovation, creates a connection base for the computing power era, and empowers thousands of industries.

71670ebe-1187-11ed-ba43-dac502259ad0.jpg Sun Liang, Vice President of Huawei Data Communication Product Line

With the development of the 5G industrial Internet and the explosive growth of massive data, higher requirements are placed on efficient computing power. It is necessary to achieve agile and efficient connection of computing resources and network resources. Computing network collaboration is to distribute node information through the network, providing us with the most efficient optimal resource allocation and network connectivity.

He Baohong, director of the Institute of Cloud Computing and Big Data, China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, pointed out in his keynote speech that the demand for computing power is spreading from the cloud and from the end to the edge, and higher requirements for efficient computing power require the agile connection of computing resources and network resources. , computing and network collaboration provides users with the best resource allocation and network connection solutions to achieve optimal use of network resources. He Baohong believes that the development of computing network synergy will greatly improve the service level of computing network, making computing power application more ubiquitous and flexible, computing power supply more intelligent and efficient, and computing power facilities more green and low-carbon.

Remote sensing big data is the country’s basic strategic resource. The School of Artificial Intelligence, Xidian University, relying on Xi’an Future Artificial Intelligence Computing Center, has developed the world’s first radar remote sensing pre-training large model, which has improved my country’s global resources and environment radar remote sensing monitoring technology and technology. Service level, serving my country’s “Belt and Road” and other global strategies. The Xi’an Future Artificial Intelligence Computing Center adopts Huawei’s Ascend full-stack full-scenario AI solution, and the network adopts Huawei’s hyper-converged RoCE lossless network, which has the advantages of high performance and low power consumption.

Hou Biao, Executive Dean of the School of Artificial Intelligence, Xidian University, said in his keynote speech: “The network adopts Huawei’s hyper-converged RoCE lossless network, which is based on the open Ethernet architecture to achieve zero packet loss, high throughput, and low latency. At the same time, the construction and operation and maintenance costs are reduced, and the computing power is more fully released.”

Lossless network has become the development direction of new data centers, which can meet the development requirements of no packet loss and low latency. However, AI training clusters are characterized by a small number of streams and a large number of streams, so it is necessary to use network balancing technology to improve the efficiency of AI training.

Gao Xinping, a researcher at Zijinshan Laboratory, said in the keynote speech: “Purple Mountain Laboratory and Huawei have carried out joint innovation verification of network equalization technology for AI training scenarios by relying on the lossless data center of Zijinshan Laboratory, using the AI ​​model VGG16 in the NCCL Ring algorithm. The results show that the use of Huawei’s innovative NSLB technology achieves 100% balance of the entire network, the average link utilization is up to 35% higher than the existing ECMP, and the performance of the AI ​​cluster training set is up to 113.41% higher.”

In the context of accelerating the digital transformation of the financial industry, ICBC is carrying out technological innovation in the heterogeneous management capability of the computing power network. The computing power network has become a key point for the innovative development of smart financial services.

Wu Zhongyang, senior manager of ICBC Data Center Basic Technology Laboratory, said in the keynote speech: “ICBC has always adhered to the deep integration and innovation of artificial intelligence applications and computing power infrastructure, and has taken the lead in building a medium-to-high computing power GPU service based on 100G RoCE high-performance lossless network. Cloud, AI training efficiency has been significantly improved, providing solid infrastructure support for bank AI business innovation.”

71670ebe-1187-11ed-ba43-dac502259ad0.jpg Computing power, as an important productive force, has become the core supporting the development of the digital economy, digital society and digital government, and data centers are power stations in the computing power era. 、Under the strategic goal of “carbon neutrality”, to solve the problem of data center network packet loss, build a network with zero packet loss and lossless, achieve the maximum release of computing power under the same server scale, and further improve the computing power and energy efficiency ratio, which has become the key to the computing power era. appeal.

Zhang Lei, Director of Huawei Data Center Network Solutions, said in the keynote speech: “Huawei Intelligent and Lossless Data Center Network 2.0 is a new upgrade for general-purpose computing, high-performance computing, centralized storage and other scenarios. Relying on intelligent algorithms such as FlexBuffer and network-wide load balancing, The multi-level computing power of distributed databases, AI training, high-performance computing and other scenarios can be further significantly improved.”

China Mobile is gradually promoting computing power to become a social-level service that can be “connected at one point, ready to use” like water and electricity, and achieves the vision of “everywhere in the network, everywhere in computing power, and everywhere in intelligence”.

Wang Ruixue, data center network technology manager of the Institute of Basic Network Technology, China Mobile Research Institute, said in the keynote speech: “The computing power era is based on the network, and gives full play to the advantages of the operator’s network. demand, drive the network to evolve towards a high-performance switching network with zero packet loss, low latency, high throughput, diverse computing power carrying, and dynamic fair scheduling, and gradually realize network-connected computing, network-strength computing, and computing-network integration.”

Wang Ruixue, Technical Manager of Data Center Network

Computing power accelerates industry digitization and economic and social development, and industry digitization continues to transform and upgrade. In order to achieve flexible and efficient acquisition of computing power and turn computing power into an infrastructure like water and electricity, it is necessary to have a computer that can transmit computing power. In the transportation network of thousands of industries, if enterprises want to obtain computing power like electricity, and use cloud services like a network, the intelligent cloud network must be used as the transportation channel of the computing power network.

Ma Chenhui, project manager of China Mobile Group Shanxi Co., Ltd., said in the keynote speech: “Shanxi Mobile relies on SPN’s superior technical architecture, introduces tenant-level and business-level slices, realizes the multi-service comprehensive bearing of the top three hospitals, and ensures a high-quality cloud computing experience. .”

Computing power is the center, and the network is the foundation. Facing the computing power network, Huawei introduced intelligent lossless algorithms to the computing power production network in the data center to overcome the problem of Ethernet packet loss. The computing power scheduling network between the data centers realizes the optimal resource allocation on the supply and demand side through the intelligent cloud graph algorithm and IPv6+.

Zhang Jiandong, Director of the Carrier Solutions Department of Huawei’s Data Communication Product Line, said in a keynote speech: “We are currently in the era of “ubiquitous network and ubiquitous computing power”. We not only need to calculate quickly, but also need efficient and flexible network scheduling .Huawei has created an intelligent cloud network 2.0 solution based on IPv6 innovative technology. It provides a deterministic experience for different enterprises and different businesses, and builds the foundation of a high-quality computing network for the digital economy.”

Create new productivity in the digital economy

At present, China’s digital economy is booming, and the transformation from digital government to digital society and digital economy is accelerating. As a new productive force of the digital economy, computing power is driving profound changes in society and industry. The computing power network has become a key new infrastructure supporting the development of the digital economy and a new upgrade and new paradigm for the development of the ICT industry.

As the world’s leading ICT infrastructure provider, Huawei focuses on the “connection + computing” strategic direction, continues to promote digital technology innovation, creates intelligent connections, redefines computing, and achieves system-level leadership and open development. In the field of computing power network, Huawei will be a “core enabler of product technology, an important supporter of business and business models, and a synergy and promoter of industrial ecology”, and will work with operators and other industrial camps to build a “computing network integration”. , edge-cloud collaboration, green energy saving, independent and controllable” new digital infrastructure, providing computing power inclusive services for thousands of industries.
