IBM joins hands with UFIDA to advance enterprise digital transformation

UFIDA is the world’s leading provider of enterprise cloud services and software. It is committed to promoting business and social progress with ideas and technologies. By building and running the world’s leading business innovation platform – UFIDA BIP, it serves the digital transformation of enterprises and business innovation. , to achieve tens of millions of digital enterprises, make enterprise cloud services available on demand, make digital value everywhere, and make business innovation so convenient. UFIDA provides customers with digital, intelligent, highly elastic, secure, reliable, platform-based, ecological, global and social solutions in the fields of finance, human resources, supply chain, procurement, manufacturing, marketing, R&D, projects, assets, and collaboration. Enterprise cloud service products and solutions. UFIDA adheres to the core values ​​of friends of users, continuous innovation, and professional struggle, all originating from creating value for customers. At present, Yonyou has more than 230 branches and more than 10,000 ecological partners around the world, and many industry-leading companies have chosen Yonyou BIP as the platform for digital and intelligent business innovation.

There are many factors that affect customers today, and customers must consider technology, competition, and markets when making decisions. The digital transformation of enterprises brought about by technology is enough to change the way the entire business is done, change the business model, and change the future competitive landscape. Most companies have foreseen the importance and challenges of digital transformation, but very few of them believe they have the ability to respond quickly enough.

As a leader in helping digital transformation, IBM is committed to promoting digital transformation of enterprises through the use of the most advanced technology and customized services. UFIDA and IBM are bound by common ideas and visions. With the help of the advantages of both parties and the IBM garage innovation methodology, they can help enterprises resolve the risks of innovation, realize the digital transformation of enterprises at the minimum cost, enhance the possibility of success and accelerate the pace of success. A few days ago, the leaders of UF, the Ningxia team of UF, the innovation team of IBM garage, the leaders of IBM expert laboratory, and the team of IBM partner ecology and more than 20 customers of UF gathered together in the innovation center of IBM Yinchuan garage, through the “innovative design thinking workshop” and Clients discuss the road to digital transformation in the future.

In the design thinking workshop, customers and participating experts were divided into two groups. The guests expressed their opinions through brainstorming and shared the challenges and pain points of their own digital transformation; in-depth analysis of the difficulties and current contradictions of enterprises’ digital transformation; The key elements of the digital transformation roadmap and the priority implementation path; the customer experience learned the working method of innovative design thinking in IBM garage, and gained inspiration from the cases shared by UF, providing innovative ideas for the future digital transformation road .

In the workshop, Li Jianyong, a digital transformation expert at UF, shared: “The risks of not transforming are certain, and the benefits of transformation are uncertain.” When it comes to digital transformation of enterprises, it is a matter of awareness. He said that among multinational enterprises, digital investment accounts for about 2% of sales revenue, while only 0.24% of domestic large enterprises. There are doubts about the role digitization can play. Li Jianyong said that the digital platform is the engine of the digital transformation of enterprises, and enterprises need to improve their waist strength and build a middle-office system. At the same time, it also shared the case of UF iuap cloud helping enterprises to become digital and intelligent, and discussed from three aspects: business middle platform, data middle platform and intelligent middle platform.

Luo Xiaojiang, Vice President of UFIDA Networks and General Manager of Platform and Data Intelligence Division, emphasized: “Sustainable development stems from continuous innovation and change. Since UFIDA was founded in 1988, it has grown from a financial software provider to an ERP software provider to today. A leading business innovation platform and software provider, these three stages of transformation have been leading the development with innovation. Every transformation of UFIDA represents a breakthrough and leap in the entire software industry in the past three decades. Including UFIDA’s platform and data intelligence business The department is also increasing digital innovation. Only innovation can lead to the future and better development. The reason why UFIDA today has the confidence and ability to continue to serve the digital transformation of enterprises stems from the innovative concept of “no breaking, no building”. We expect I can work with IBM, as well as leaders and experts of various enterprises, to create a new model of digital transformation.”

Wei Yongming, general manager of IBM Greater China Expert Lab, said: “It is a great pleasure to discuss the topic of digital transformation with UF, as well as leaders and experts of various enterprises, in the way of garage innovation. If we look back at the economic development cycle in the past few decades, , you will find some regularities. In the recent new cycle starting in 2008, heavy-asset investment has gradually declined, light-asset investment has risen significantly, and some fields and companies have grown rapidly. The driving factor behind this is innovation. In the rapid development trend of the times, if you want to survive, you must innovate. Innovation is not a link, but an ecosystem. What drives continuous innovation is the improvement of ideas and technical capabilities. In the digital age, the thinking mode of enterprises and the work of individuals Models all need innovation and change. Let us play a sense of ownership in our respective companies and bravely take the first step in digital and intelligent innovation. We are very willing to work with you to create together.”

Yu Dong, head of IBM Greater China Garage Innovation Center, said: “Innovation is the soul of enterprise development, and digital transformation is the source of sustainable innovation. IBM Garage Innovation Methodology can help companies explore the challenges and shortcomings of digital transformation and find the most suitable one. Break the ice by jointly creating the minimum feasible solution, and take this as an opportunity to gradually expand innovation achievements, empower enterprises to carry out digital transformation on a larger scale, and ultimately promote the realization of business results and the reshaping of the value chain. When the chairman of UFIDA and the chairman of IBM Greater China met, they reached a consensus on ‘jointly creating a sustainable future’. The IBM China Garage Innovation Team will continue to join hands with UFIDA experts to help more companies efficiently complete digitalization transformation.”
