China Resources Micro, Zhongkexin and others have joined, and China’s integrated circuit “Huangpu Military Academy” has added a “chip” platform

On June 15, the Wuxi Integrated Circuit Industry Construction “Core Chain” Party Construction Alliance was officially established. The first members included the Sixth Party Branch of the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Wuxi Semiconductor Industry Association, China Resources Micro, Zhongkexin, and SK Hynix. , Lixin Micro, etc.

In the future, the alliance will strengthen the service function of the party building alliance, enhance the service function of the party building alliance with the purpose of “political building synergy, theoretical armed forces synergy, battle fortress building, industrial landmark syndication, technological innovation synergy, major event syndication, and talent team education” as its purpose. The efficiency of industrial supporting docking will further enhance the endogenous power of strengthening the chain, supplementing the chain, and extending the chain, and promote the high-quality development of the integrated circuit industry.

The development of the integrated circuit industry in Wuxi has a long history. As early as the early 1980s, Wuxi was identified as the southern base of the national microelectronics industry, known as the “Huangpu Military Academy” of China’s integrated circuits, and the first large-scale integrated circuit in China. It was born in Wuxi.

As one of the four major landmark industries in Wuxi, the scale of Wuxi’s integrated circuit industry accounts for almost half of Jiangsu Province. In recent years, the industrial development has entered the fast lane. Data show that in 2021, Wuxi’s integrated circuit industry will achieve an operating income of 178.305 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 25.5%. Among them, the integrated circuit design, manufacturing, packaging and testing three industries achieved sales revenue of 124.661 billion yuan, accounting for 45.2% of the province, and the scale of the industrial chain ranked second in the country.

Yu Xiekang, chief expert of the special class for the strong chain of the integrated circuit industry in Jiangsu Province, said that he hoped that the members of the alliance could give full play to their advantages in business, resources and manpower, and strive to create a new “double promotion and double improvement” service for party building work and the development of the integrated circuit industry. platform.
