Metaverse is popular ? The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Helps the Industrial Metaverse Come

And we can actually see the application of metaverse-related technologies in the industrial field in the industry. For example, I have seen helmets loaded with virtual technology before in aircraft manufacturing, and industrial-integrated AR smart helmets have also begun to be applied in power enterprise inspection operations. Including in virtual assembly, equipment maintenance, training and many other aspects.

A few days ago, Wang Jiangping, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, was in Beijing to investigate the application of new-generation information technologies such as virtual reality in the field of industrial manufacturing, and held a symposium for relevant enterprises. At the symposium, relevant companies in the virtual reality and iron and steel industries exchanged views on “virtual reality and other technologies help the industry to reduce costs and increase efficiency”. The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to carry out in-depth research on how the new generation of information technology such as virtual reality can empower the industrial field, further accelerate the application of virtual reality and other technologies in all walks of life, target the pain points and difficulties of the industry, and continuously improve the depth and breadth of application. It is necessary to strengthen policy publicity and the connection between supply and demand, accelerate the promotion of new models, new scenarios, and new formats, and strive to achieve two-way empowerment in the virtual reality industry and industrial manufacturing.

Previously, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology clearly proposed in the “White Paper on the Development of Virtual Reality Industry 5.0” to “promote the industrialization of virtual reality technology through financial funds and support the application of virtual reality technology for key industries such as industry, culture, and education”.

And we can see from a lot of public information that in recent months, many places in Zhejiang, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Beijing, Jiangsu, Shandong, Fujian, and Shanghai have issued support policies to support Metaverse-related industries, such as Shanghai, which is very important for success. Listed Metaverse-related companies will receive a maximum subsidy of 6 million yuan. Also; after the “Shanghai Action Plan for Cultivating the “Metaverse” New Track 2022-2025″ on July 8 and the “14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Shanghai’s Digital Economy” on July 12 to support the development of the Metaverse, 7 On March 21, the Shanghai Xuhui District Government issued several opinions on supporting the development of Metaverse (draft for comments) and other promotion policies. For example, Hangzhou Future Science and Technology City, Zhejiang Province, gathers XR industry funds with a scale of 1 billion yuan, encourages social capital to participate in investment, and high-quality projects can enjoy the support of up to 5 million entrepreneurial risk pools.
