Nexperia semiconductor business will account for 44% of its sales revenue from the automotive field

Wingtech Technology: In 2021, the company’s Nexperia semiconductor business will account for 44% of its sales revenue from the automotive field, of which Nexperia’s automotive-grade Mos tube products rank second in the world in the automotive industry.

Flush (300033) Financial Research Center June 16th, an investor asked Wingtech (600745), can you tell us about the profit margin and market share of our automotive chips? Do you have cooperation with major domestic new energy manufacturers? How much is the turnover?

The company replied that in 2021, Nexperia’s semiconductor business will account for 44% of its sales revenue from the automotive field, of which Nexperia’s automotive-grade Mos tube products rank second in the world in the automotive industry. Anshi’s automotive customers include the world’s top Tier 1 customers such as Bosch, BYD (002594), Continental, Delphi, Denso, etc. At the same time, it is also accelerating the expansion of the sales share of domestic automotive customers, including new energy manufacturers, and strives to seize the opportunities in the new energy vehicle market. and automotive electronics trends.
